





  • 參與者將在令人驚嘆的過夜住宿中與白臘風景如畫的大自然產生深刻的聯繫。將提供專業的帳篷和墊子及單獨指導。

    Participants will deeply connect with the picturesque nature in Pak Lap with an awe-inspiring overnight stay. Professional tents and mats along with one-on-one guidance will be provided.

目標 Learning Objectives

成果 Learning Outcomes

  • 學生將能夠學習基本的露營原則,並搭建帳篷和其他相關設施過夜。參與者也將熟悉「Leave No Trace」的概念。

    Students will be able to learn about basic camping principles,  the ‘Leave No Trace’ concept, and how to set up tents and other relevant facilities for overnight stays.

  • 搭建帳篷訓練結束後,我們將提供夜間生態之旅,探索白臘的夜行性動物,並讓學員了解這些動物的特徵和夜間適應能力。

    After training on building tents, we will provide a night time eco tour to discover the nocturnal animals of Pak Lap and educate the participants about the characteristics and adaptations of such animals during the night.

  • 在白臘過夜露營後,我們將帶領學員在清晨徒步前往東壩,感受地質公園的美景並欣賞日出。

    After the overnight camping session at Pak Lap, we will then lead the participants to conduct an early morning hike to the East Dam to see the sunrise.

課程內容 Learning Activities

研究問題 Key Questions:

  1. 您透過生態之旅發現了哪些動物?

    What animals do you find through the eco tour?

  2. 這些動物有什麼特徵和適應力?

    What are the characteristics and adaptations of such animals?

  3. 早上健行時你觀察到什麼?

    What do you observe during the morning hike?

  4. 你能描述一下日出的過程嗎?

    Can you describe the sunrise process?

  5. 影響日出型態的氣候因素有哪些?

    What’s the climate behind the sunrise?