





  • 該跨學科活動結合傳統農業技術與現代技術。學生將學習如何透過感測器收集相關數據並進行分析,為植物生長創造環境。

    This interdisciplinary programme encourages students to gather relevant data through sensors and analyze these to create a perfect environment for plants to grow.

目標 Learning Objectives

成果 Learning Outcomes

  • 學生將學習基本的硬件組裝技能、入門級編碼技能及農業基礎知識。

    Students will learn basic hardware assembly skills, entry-level coding skills, and agriculture fundamentals by creating a list of preferable conditions for plants.

  • 學生將學習使用raspberry pi工具創建植物監測感應系統。作為活動的一部分,學生還可以學習基本的編碼。

    Students will learn to use raspberry pi to create a monitoring system for plants. Students can also learn basic coding as part of the activity.

  • 學生將組裝一個模組化感測器單元,以收集植物生長環境的數據,並發現植物生長所需的不同條件。

    Students will put together a modularized sensor unit to gather data on the environment in which the plant is growing and also discover the different conditions that plants need to grow in.

課程內容 Learning Activities

研究問題 Key Questions:

  1. 監控感測器有什麼用?

    What’s the monitoring sensor for?

  2. 您在組裝過程中遇到了哪些挑戰?

    What challenges have you encountered when assembling?

  3. 需要考慮哪些環境參數?

    What environmental parameters need to be considered/

  4. 您發現種植該植物的最佳條件是什麼?

    What are the optimal conditions you find for the plant?