法醫學: CSI






  • 本課程將向學生介紹犯罪現場調查的世界,並透過講座和小組任務培養分析技巧。

    Introduce students into the field of forensic science and develop critical thinking skills through problem-solving activities.

目標 Learning Objectives

成果 Learning Outcomes

  • 學生將學習如何保護犯罪現場、收集標本並使用色譜等實驗室技術分析收集的樣本,以縮小犯罪嫌疑人的範圍。

    Demonstrate an understanding of the different branches of forensic science and their applications in society; appreciate its role and how it contributes to the justice system.

  • 講述在飛機的空氣動力學中不同機翼的設計及其效果。講解不同類型飛機的目的。最後讓學生能夠製作自己的飛機。

    Describes the design and effects of different wings in aircraft aerodynamics. Explain the purpose of different aircrafts. Finally, have students build their own aircraft.

  • 學生將運用所學的知識和技能,並將其應用於模擬犯罪現場調查,收集和分析多種形式的證據。

    Students will use the knowledge and skills they have learnt and apply it in a mock crime scene investigation, collecting and analysing numerous forms of evidence. 

課程內容 Learning Activities

研究問題 Key Questions:

  1. 為什麼會有不同類型的血型?

    Why are there different blood types?

  2. 指紋是如何形成?

    How are fingerprints formed?

  3. 人類有哪些顯著的生物學特徵?

    What are the distinctive biological characteristics of humans?

  4. 如何保護犯罪現場

    How do we preserve a crime scene?