





  • 營火晚會是放鬆身心、總結經驗、分享感受的好契機;參與者將能夠在營火旁伴著音樂,與夥伴一同享受夜晚。

    Campfire night is a good opportunity to relax, reflect on experiences and share feelings; participants will be able to enjoy the night with their friends by the bonfire with music.

目標 Learning Objectives

成果 Learning Outcomes

  • 學生將能夠學習如何選擇樹枝、搭建營火,同時通過集體分享等活動鍛鍊公眾演講的能力與勇氣。

    Students will be able to learn how to choose tree branches, build a campfire, and practice public speaking skills and courage through group sharing and other activities.

  • 了解搭建營火需要選用的材料以及搭建的基本方法,並參與搭建活動。

    Understand the materials and methods needed to build a bonfire to participate in the building activities.

  • 學生將能夠學習如何選擇樹枝、搭建營火,同時通過集體分享等活動鍛鍊公眾演講的能力與勇氣。

    Students will be able to learn how to choose tree branches, build a campfire, and practice public speaking skills and courage through group sharing and other activities.

課程內容 Learning Activities

研究問題 Key Questions:

  1. 搭建營火需要什麼材料?

    What materials are needed to build a campfire?

  2. 這些材料分別起什麼作用?

    What are the functions of these materials?

  3. 什麼是適合搭建營火的場地?

    What is a good place to set up a campfire?

  4. 本次活動自己成長最多的地方?

    Where did you grow the most from this activity?

  5. 還需要提升的地方是什麼?

    What areas still need improvement?

  6. 本次活動最感謝的人是誰?

    Who are you most grateful for in this event?