海洋保育 Ocean Conservation
The Ocean Conservation curriculum prepares the next generation to engage actively in securing a sustainable future for the world's oceans, addressing pressing environmental challenges. The interdisciplinary approach encourages participants to consider the environmental, economic, and social implications of ocean-related issues, fostering a comprehensive understanding. Hands-on experiences provide practical training in sustainable marine management, enabling participants to contribute to ocean conservation.
藍色永續發展 - 海洋保護與管理
Blue Sustainability - Ocean Conservation & Stewardship
生態圈藍圖 - 環境影響評估
Ecospheric Blueprints - Environmental Impact Assessment
微塑膠 - 了解海洋污染及進行微塑膠研究
Microplastics - Understanding Ocean Pollution and Advancing Research
Coastal Clean up and Waste Identification