





  • 通過分組製作羅馬炮架,學生將能夠體驗到團隊合作的精髓和魅力,並在水球活動中愉悅身心。

    By making Roman catapults in groups, students will be able to experience the essence and charm of teamwork and enjoy the physical and mental relaxation of water balloon activities.

目標 Learning Objectives

成果 Learning Outcomes

  • 在學習綁繩結等野外技能的基礎上,學生將能夠靈活運用數學及物理知識來研究設備,同時探索如何培育領導力並高效進行團隊協作。

    In addition to field skills such as tying knots, students will be able to utilize mathematics and physics knowledge while cultivating leadership and efficient teamwork.

  • 學生將透過一系列的團隊建立遊戲和活動來教導他們有效溝通、團隊合作和領導技能的基本概念。

    Students will go through a series of team building games and initiatives to teach them the basic concepts of effective communication, teamwork and leadership skills.

  • 通過隊長與隊員的分工協作,各小組將協力使用竹子與繩結製作羅馬炮架模型,並利用水氣球等道具比賽射程遠近。

    Through the division of labor between the team leader and the team members, each group will work together to make a Roman catapult using bamboo and rope knots. Then each group will use water balloons and other props to compete in shooting distance.

課程內容 Learning Activities

研究問題 Key Questions:

  1. 炮架的射程與哪些因素有關?

    What factors are related to the range of the Roman catapult?

  2. 如何進行和組織團隊協作?

    How to conduct and organize team collaboration?

  3. 遇到困難時應當如何保持心態?

    How to maintain calm and sane when encountering difficulties?