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Species ID

Programmes Details


Pak Lap - STREAM Teaching Facility Centre

KS3, KS4

Once students have established what a butterfly is, they will take these knowledge to explore Pak Lap and find out the different species that are present in the local area. They will use different methods to try to classify and record each of the species that they find along the way.


Programmes Objective

To explore the methods of identifying butterflies species and applying these methods to a survey of butterflies in Pak Lap.

Learning Outcomes

Be able to describe a method to identify and differentiate between butterfly species and to explain the reasoning behind this.

Be able to consolidate the knowledge gained from individual modules of lepidoptera and apply these in identifying butterfly species in Pak Lap.

Learning Content & Activities

a series of questions / statements asking about a specific characteristic of the organism.
students will form into small teams to identify butterflies of the Pak Lap area, record these findings and present to the class
as part of their butterfly survey students need to take pictures of the butterflies they encounter using their mobile phones, they will then upload these photos with the species name on our STREAM Facebook page for our expert to validate and give feedback.

Skill Set Utilisation

Programmes Instructor

Mr. Athos Leung

Mr. Athos Leung

[BSocSc, MSc] An ecological consultant with 3 years of experience in ecological studies, assessment and monitoring.

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